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Over-trouser deployment

Ed’s General Theory and associated guidance pertaining to the efficient and effective deployment of over-trousers in the event of approaching rain.

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Labour: a cause for disappointment??

I recently received a communication from a good friend which included an aside that professed disappointment with Labour at the moment; that they are trailing in the polls when we have the worst and most incompetent government in living memory.

I mulled uneasily over this for a few days …. of course I am disappointed, but that doesn’t do anywhere near justice to how I feel – I am in fact very, very pissed off – bordering on furious when I can summon up the appropriate level of indignation.

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Song Writing

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Sea dⱼ Side

On the front – Redcar, it’s got it all!

Redcar has a huge golden sand beach, stretching for miles from the tip of the South Gare navigation light to the north west and curling round the town and beyond to the south east.

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I haven’t written about Brexit since the day the result of the referendum was announced. Initially this was due to that overwhelming sense of doom and despondency that many of us felt about the decision, but as time has gone on it has been more a reflection of my increasing confusion as to how we should respond. I don’t know what to say (or even think sometimes) – and the more I have read and listened the more conflicted I have become.

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You can not stay ere! (4)

SPOILER ALERT!! This is the last episode of 4. The first episode was uploaded on 3rd December (below).

Oh dear oh dear! How much trouble can a chap get himself into?

I thought I had figuratively put my pencil away until the new year and was embarking on a pre-Christmas clean of the surfaces in the front room when I took a call from my agent. Well! …………….

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You can not stay ere! (3)


How did our two intrepid travellers find themselves standing in the dark on a twisty Corsican road – in their pyjamas?

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You can not stay ere! (2)

When we left our intrepid travellers at the end of episode 1 they had just been waved past the crashed car of a chap who had seemed determined to run them out of town – or at least out of The Calanche! We must catch up with the van’s progress towards a safe place to snug down for the night………….

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You can not stay ere! (1)

Sue woke first and nudged me ‘Do you think there’s someone outside with a torch knocking on the van?’

‘No’ I reply, determined to stay asleep.

But then I hear it too – a clear double knock followed by a voice ‘You can not stay ere …. you must go.’

We have to make a decision, the first of a number over the ensuing hour.

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Paglesham East End

Storm approaching across the Roach

‘As remote as anywhere in Essex’ says the AA Illustrated Guide to Britain’s Coast in 1984. If it was true then it certainly still is I reckon as I walk along the top of the sea wall that’s offers resistance to the highest of tides in the Roach estuary. To my left are the salt marshes with the myriad of channels gradually drying with the receding water before giving way to the mudflats and then the thin channel of deep water.  A few yachts sitting just outside the channel are pulling at their moorings as white horses stream past them. To my right is a wide band of tossing and writhing reeds running parallel to the wall and beyond that huge, empty fields with a few trees and hedgerows in the distance.

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