Sarah Wilkinson

Say what you like about Blighty but unlike many places there’s still freedom of speech – isn’t there? OK so mainstream media struggles to speak truth to power on the key issues facing us (and threatening it) but journalists don’t get arrested for providing information that counters the government line do they? OK there was Julian, but that was at the behest of the US wasn’t it, and maybe he was the exception that proved the rule ………..

I had picked up in foreign based geopolitical podcasts that journalists are being arrested in the UK, but had no names, no circumstances etc and certainly hadn’t picked up anything in mainstream media.

I had never heard of Sarah Wilkinson and probably never would if she hadn’t chosen to identify a loophole in her bail conditions – that didn’t expressly forbid her giving interviews.


The Water Bowser (1)


The Water Bowser (2)

1 Comment

  1. Eleri

    Horrific. Thank you

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