Knock! Knock!
‘Who’s there?’
‘Sorry to disturb you I’m canvassing for Stocksbridge and Penistone La …’
‘I don’t care who you’re for ….. you’re all the same you politicians …… just out for yourselves …. no honesty …. no respect for democracy …..’
Knock! Knock!
‘Who’s there?’
‘Sorry to disturb you I’m canvassing for Stocksbridge and Penistone La …’
‘I don’t care who you’re for ….. you’re all the same you politicians …… just out for yourselves …. no honesty …. no respect for democracy …..’
Who’s there?
‘Sorry to disturb you, my name is Ken and I’m canvassing on behalf of Rother Valley Labour Party.’
The music industry can be a hard taskmaster. It’s not enough (according to our agent) to write, record and produce half decent songs (‘if only!!’ some may comment………), you also have to have visuals.
Visuals ??!!
Yup … to be a successful band you have to do music videos!
At first we blamed Franco – well you would wouldn’t you? Who else would punish an impoverished region by failing to complete a railway that would have opened up the interior to trade and commerce with the cities on the coast because of the strength of republican resistance during the civil war? This apparent act of omission seemed typically cynical and nasty as the railway was nearly ready to go – the track bed was complete, along with numerous tunnels, viaducts, station buildings, platforms and goods sheds. All it needed was rails, signalling infrastructure and of course engines, trucks, carriages and staff.
I know that you will all be anxious to know how the Iberian Idlers are getting on on their travels and looking forward to some insightful commentary about historical, cultural or political matters ……….
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