Category: Stories Page 2 of 3

Bogol (16)

Episode 16 (of 18)

Yuri leaped from the cab of what looked like a small coach and ramming his fedora on to his head walked briskly towards my open door and a half dressed me.

‘Quick Boryslav, we must move quickly.’

‘Oh yes  … please come …’

Yuri swept passed me and straight into the ‘office’.

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Bogol (15)

Episode 15 (of 18)

Then I got really, really, lucky, although at the time it seemed like a rather mixed blessing.

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Bogol (14)

Episode 14 (of 18)

‘I don’t think that’s going to work Bo,’ was her not unexpected response to my proposal that once the report was finished we could make it clear that there were no recommendations for further action and maybe my contract could be terminated.

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Bogol (13)

Episode 13 (of 18)

We stared at each other, both cross and frustrated. I felt guilty, as though I’d strung them along … but I had tried to tell them ….. but I had taken the money … and spent it … and had a new van …. and, and, and, and ….. and I had met Svet.

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Bogol (12)

Episode 12 (of 18)

To my consternation it wasn’t going to be as easy as I’d thought – the tides did not just go in and out like on the Solway Firth – the books and papers in the reference library confirmed what I had heard – that in the Solent tidal flows were complicated and at springs there appeared to be two high tides, separated by a couple of hours.

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Bogol (11)

Episode 11 (of 18)

Just two months later I pulled into the car park at Southampton General railway station. There waiting for me was Svet, entirely encumbered with bags; a rucksack on her back, briefcase in hand and two huge holdalls on the ground beside her.

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Bogol (10)

Episode 10 (of 18)

I had but only fleeting acquaintance with consciousness over the next couple days, and when I did I did not like it. I disliked most the ache that seemed to inhabit every constituent part of my being. Every constituent part! Jerome would have laughed, I couldn’t even say with any certainty that I did not have housemaid’s knee! But I knew there was other unpleasant stuff that would have to be dealt with once the ache subsided and I wasn’t ready for that.

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Bogol (9)

Episode 9 (of 18)

I came out through the revolving doors and into the crowds of the London streets in a bit of a state and I don’t mind admitting it. At first I just walked anywhere – along avenues, arcades, across squares, dodging the traffic on autopilot. Then I began to slow and start to take an interest in where I was and, more worryingly, what I was going to do.

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Bogol 8

Keen onthebrynksters will be intrigued to learn that following the recent posting of the Prying Eye article about the sad death of Boryslav Golinski we have received a communication from his son, John. With his permission we are delighted to post it here in full:

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Bogol 7

Some of you may have already seen this – an article in PRYING EYE, sent in by a supportive onthebrynkster:

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