Category: Music
A long, hot Summer requires a soundtrack to help us all along – and here, somewhat belatedly, given that we now seem to be cooling down a tad, is the SUMMER RELEASE from THE BLOKES – PATH OF THE GODS.
This song was written in 1976 for the ill-fated band Xylophone Moustache – ill-fated because they broke up before ever playing a gig. This song was never performed or recorded.
Always looking to bring you the latest music as early as possible, The Huntermouse Road Studios have released a bootleg recording of The Shanty Crew in the rehearsal studio.
For many children in England and Wales this is the first week of the Summer Holidays. For many lucky children they will be going on holiday with their parents, as a family entity or with others – family, other families. This is an exciting and fun time!
Context is everything:
It is a late sunny summer Sunday afternoon in the crowded beer garden of the Rat and Broadbean. The band have been playing for a couple of hours, pausing only to rehydrate in the hot sun. The vocalist left the stage a few minutes ago saying that he was going for a little lie down and the remaining band members have decided to play out with a light jazz number.