Bad day at the office

We’ve all had them ….. and some can be worse than others.

Multiagency partnership working in the public sector can be so powerfully positive, the results greater than the sum of the individual parts and all that. However, occasionally, when agency reputations are on the line and big government is bearing down looking for political scapegoats it can be a bit of a ‘mare, all discord, conflict and noise. At the end of the day sometimes the best you can manage is just to get home!

At first listen the band thought this was a song about a bar room brawl …………


The art and science of warfare


The Water Bowser


  1. Tim

    Nice one Bryan, best composition yet! Like the layering of the various instruments.

    Regards Tim

  2. Phil

    Mon, 8 Jul at 11:05

    I enjoyed this Bryan, thanks. It’s a good beat. Once again, however, I think your voice needs to be more prominent.

  3. Bryan

    Hi Phil, thankyou for your kind remarks and your observation (not for the first time) that the vocals could be more prominent. As we have discussed before we find this a tricky one and tend to err on the side of of not over emphasising the vocals in the mix, partly for balance but also, I suspect, through a lack of confidence in my singing! We will take note of your comments and I think will revisit the mix on this one (and other previous ones).

  4. Phil

    Your singing is good, Bryan. This kind of song would be less, not more, with a virtuoso vocalist. You can hold a tune, with a voice people relate to. It suits the mood very well.

    As for technical aspects, well, that’s not my call.

  5. Bryan

    Well, with a vote of confidence like that who am I to disagree!

    Thanks mate x

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