The Water Bowser (6)

J didn’t utilise the two hours available for sleeping very well before his Mum was at the door calling him down for breakfast. Round and round in his head was his parting conversation with Mo, a good hour after dawn.

‘I won’t lie to my Dad, Mo ….. I can’t.’

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The Water Bowser (5)

‘Ugggggghhhhh,’ retched Eb, hands on his knees, ‘Yuuuuuukkkkk’, he gasped, before retching again.

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The Water Bowser (4)

‘But what’s the point?’, Dob’s face creased into incomprehension as he carefully held the folded paper that seemed to have two mouths, depending on how you held it.’

‘It’s just a bit of fun,’ laughed Mo, ‘just like pushing this tank of smelly water around, no point, just fun.’

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The Water Bowser (3)

The boys gathered at the bowser soon after breakfast.

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The Water Bowser (2)

Standing immediately before it, the four boys stared up at the cylindrical tank. It dwarfed them, even Dob. Bum set off round the contraption, reappearing moments later from behind one of the four wheels that were set one at each corner. The wheel alone was only slightly shorter than Bum himself.

‘Tyres are OK,’ he grinned, ‘slightly soft, but apart from this one,’ he put his hand on the offending rubber, ‘should be alright for moving.’

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Sarah Wilkinson

Say what you like about Blighty but unlike many places there’s still freedom of speech – isn’t there? OK so mainstream media struggles to speak truth to power on the key issues facing us (and threatening it) but journalists don’t get arrested for providing information that counters the government line do they? OK there was Julian, but that was at the behest of the US wasn’t it, and maybe he was the exception that proved the rule ………..

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The Water Bowser (1)

J sat back in his chair, his eyes momentarily unfocusing on the plans on the desk before him. Only two days ago he’d been on the beach with his cousins, playing cricket and football when the tide allowed and in and out of the sea whenever they felt like it. Life was all holiday, sandwiches and pop at regular intervals, through endless days that ended at twilight with an evening meal in the large house on Anglesey that was always rented for those two weeks of the year.

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The Water Bowser

An adventure story for boys and girls

Onthebrynk, in collaboration with the illustrator Riddle, is excited to be able to offer a new weekly serial in September exclusively for loyal readers.

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Bad day at the office

We’ve all had them ….. and some can be worse than others.

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The art and science of warfare

I suspect that most of us in the ‘collective west’ give little thought to ‘warfare’; what it involves, how it is materially supported, and to what ends it should be put. We may agree that ‘war’ is per se an appalling thing, destructive of society, community and humanity and be generally against it – and rightly so. However, does this blanket approbation leave the majority of us ill equipped to evaluate the actual mechanics and economic underpinnings required to wage war?

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